Dedicated:  June 11, 2005
The Anderson Tully Company                     

"Beginnings of the World's Largest Hardwood Mill"

One of Vicksburg and Warren County's greatest natural resources is its hardwood forests.  For years, the harvesting of timber was hard work that was achieved by hard men and animals working in unison.  

After trees were cut, oxen and mules were used to "snake" or pull the logs out to a cleared "deck."  Oxen were preferred for the heavy work and mules for the lighter work because the mules were considered to be quicker and faster while the oxen were more plodding, stronger and methodical.

Logs were then "cross hauled" onto log wagons and the animals pulled the wagons to a landing on the river, a short distance away.

A crane at the river's edge placed the logs on a barge which was then floated to the mill.  This cross hauling technique of loading logs was employed, in one way or another, from the inception of logging until the advent of the Knuckle Boom Loader in the 1960's.

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